These are sort of the things I would appreciate I could be able to map
in OSM. Even with the subjective point of view that might represent to
tag a way as insecure or not, it is easily achievable to determine a way
or schema in wich you could identify wether a street is safe to walk or
pass through under determinated conditions.

For example, I've been wondering if I could use class=bicycle to
properly identify bicycle friendly streets in my city, considering we
have no cycleways. In that process, I have found that some routing
engines send me by streets I can't pass through by night nor alone,
because they are very dangerous.

I know I could map if the streets are well iluminated or how is their
surface, but that's not enough to what happens on those streets (gangs
and violence, for example). I could also use the class=bicycle tag and
"hack" a routing service to properly identify these tags, but that's
doesn't give me the real reflect of reality: I can move around those
street by day, not on the night.

I guess this scenario is similar to the one you mention, so I would
propose two things: use a similar scheme tagging as class=bicycle for
pedestrian (that it may be developed), and to propose a time-based
tagging (hourly or night/day).

On the other hand, some weeks ago I read about these kind of projects
and tags within the map feaures, and how they could be misguided the OSM
project to other things that are not included in the initial mission of
the global project (to create a geo-database for scienteific and
academic purpose).

But I guess we can discuss how much would OSM as a service or OSM as a
databse for social science research might be excellent to the whole
global initiative and for incursioning in other research fields
involving OSM.

On 27/02/18 02:50, Jack Armstrong wrote:
> I came across an interesting node while correcting map errors.
> Thoughts on something like this? Delete it? Modify it? Does OSM care
> to map this type of local information?
> The note; "Peligroso en la noche o para mujeres solas. No llevar a la
> vista cosas de valor", translates as, "Dangerous at night or for
> single women. Do not carry things of value in plain sight."
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