24. Apr 2018 20:03 by md...@xs4all.nl <mailto:md...@xs4all.nl>:

> I think you're opening another can of worms here. How would this work out for 
> me (in Dutch) where I don't want to see places in latin script translated? I 
> do not want to see Londen or Berlijn or Brunswijk, I also don't want to see 
> English translations like Cologne or Munich, but I do want to see readable 
> (i.e. non-Cyrillic, Kanji, Hangul, etc) names.

Simple fallback would not work here but something like that may work

if name tag has only latin characters use name tag

otherwise fallback through following name tags:

name:nl, name:de, name:en...

With such scheme missing name:nl would not cause problems here (except
cases where dutch name has characters beyond latin script, I have no
idea whatever it may happen).

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