Ed wrote:

> though perhaps notes make more sense than hiding things in tags and instead 
> of changing case the proposal should be to extract the FIXME's to notes to 
> increase their visibility.

For me notes are often much less informative than fixme tags. Because the fixme 
tag is on the entity requiring fix, there is no discussion required about what 
entity is meant. Also, when the entity requiring fix is re-aligned by some 
mapper without handling the note, the descrepancy between the entity and the 
note make become bigger.

For me notes and fixmes are different things.
fixme is used between fellow mappers to indicate missing or incorrect data, 
like the endnode of a highway with fixme=continue is very clear that it 
requires a survey on where the highway goes
notes can be used by anybody on openstreetmap.org, and typically require more 

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