
On 03/07/2018 13:27, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
On 03.07.2018 14:21, Dave F wrote:
it should be updated when the object is touched individually anyway, thus not spoiling the history

There's no difference doing it that way or with a bulk edit  - it will still be recorded in the history..

 and makes an analysis for old objects significantly difficult.

All the history is still there*

* Actually I'm unsure if that's strictly true. Potlatch often looses history when temporarily splitting ways & then rejoining them. Unsure if the other editors do similarly.

There is no fear, there are long-standing rules that have reasons.

Mateusz is following those rules. Whenever a bulk edit is suggested some contributors go on a bit a wobble, with remarks akin to thinking the sky will fall on their heads.

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