Perhaps let me add my 2c:
In my mental model there are two cases in which plus codes attain different
semantics: a plus code as an encoding of latitude and longitude,
and a plus code written on an sign above a door or on a house. If you asked
me I'd say the first should not be ingested into a database and the
second is not really different than any other street number if the database
aims to reflect the ground truth.

On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 5:23 PM, Tom Lee <> wrote:

> I'm surprised to see that this conversation has made it past the weekend.
> Since it has, let me add my voice to those suggesting that encoding OLC in
> the database (or any other values that can be algorithmically derived from
> geometry) makes very little sense. I'm grateful to everyone who has already
> made this point, in various ways and with various levels of forcefulness.
> If the folks advocating for OLC would like to walk through the rationale
> some more or explore alternative ways of getting OLC into their workflow, I
> suspect that a number of people on this thread would be happy to talk
> through it, myself included. Please don't hesitate to email.
> Tom
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