Hi Tom,

This is an example of the first way I and I think others in the
humanitarian world need to use OLCs to evaluate them for what they can
or can not solve for humanitarian and other use cases:


We need to deal with them at scale, not at the "look up" an individual
address process which is trivial to solve.

That is really the first step, for folks to learn the grid and it's
inherent scale steps and how that translates into OLC codes of various


On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 11:23 AM, Tom Lee <t...@mapbox.com> wrote:
> I'm surprised to see that this conversation has made it past the weekend.
> Since it has, let me add my voice to those suggesting that encoding OLC in
> the database (or any other values that can be algorithmically derived from
> geometry) makes very little sense. I'm grateful to everyone who has already
> made this point, in various ways and with various levels of forcefulness.
> If the folks advocating for OLC would like to walk through the rationale
> some more or explore alternative ways of getting OLC into their workflow, I
> suspect that a number of people on this thread would be happy to talk
> through it, myself included. Please don't hesitate to email.
> Tom
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Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

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