28. Sep 2018 08:18 by yuriastrak...@gmail.com <mailto:yuriastrak...@gmail.com>:

> On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 9:50 AM Mateusz Konieczny <  > 
> matkoni...@tutanota.com <mailto:matkoni...@tutanota.com>>  >  > wrote:
>> Main point of separate presets is that creator of an editor has control over 
>> it.
> Mateusz, who should control an app's behavior - the developer or the 
> community? 



>  Can app make certain editing choices because the dev feels it should be a 
> certain way, without consulting the community? 

Yes. In case that it leads to damage to OSM data such app should be blocked 
from editing.

Fortunately AFAIK it is necessary extremely rarely and popular editors are made 

by people who care about OSM and do not ignore community to the point of 

harmful data and refusing to fix it.


> Can community make changes impacting the app?

Community should not be able to override developer (if that is possible then 
he/she is no longer

a developer).

Situation where developer is unable to control what application is doing is an 
inherent security risk.


>  having a structured data approach allows the dev to easily generate and 
> compare versions of the rules.

That is not where bottleneck is. See for example


Time spend on handling new tags is dominated by deciding whatever and how tag 

should be supported, not by generating of diffs.

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