21. Oct 2018 23:19 by yuriastrak...@gmail.com <mailto:yuriastrak...@gmail.com>:

> I think a country relation should describe how the specific country think of 
> its borders. So if two countries claim the same territory, those two 
> relations will overlap.

That is absurd and conflict with OSM rule to map what exists. 

> E.g. it would be illegal in some countries to generate political map not 
> according to that country's government.  

It is also against Chinese law to publish accurate maps of China. It is not a 
sufficient reason 

to forbid accurate mapping of China in OSM.



> So when I generate a map for Russia, I have to show Crimea as part of Russia. 
>  For Ukraine - as part of Ukraine.  Same for China and India and ...

There are also other sources of data. For example to show proper terrain shape 
or to show

ratings of restaurants and for many others use cases OSM is not sufficient.

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