Hi _dikkeknodel,

I have a question - how do you record a GPX trace during 20 km walk? It should be about 4 hours.

I also record GPS traces but usually for 15-20 minutes. I use a phone with the OSMTracker app for Android with mixed results. Sometimes it records a path well, sometimes it turns the second part of the walk into a long direct line. Such a trace I usually discard.

Besides it empties the phone battery rather quickly. I usually take a power-bank with me, but still it is not a good solution to get a phone battery empty in mountains.

I am thinking of getting a dedicated device which can record the GPX files, on the OSM map, and also measure and altitude more or less correctly. The question is - what device, what model.

Best regards,

On 03.11.18 16:09, _ dikkeknodel wrote:

Hi all,

Ever since I moved to Switzerland over a year ago I’ve been both hiking in the mountains and updating OSM details a lot. Since I hike at least 20 km every weekend, it must have totaled to about 1200 km by now all across the country. I would love to get an overview of where I have been so far.

Since I’ve got a GPX file of almost every hike, the data is there. I am now looking for a nice graphical way to plot all of these files at once on a nice OSM map, OpenTopoMap as a base layer would be great.

I’ve been searching for a while how to arrange this (without much programming knowledge), but I am kind of lost at the moment.

Does anybody have a hint?



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