Thank you, dikkeknodel.

I also received an email message with an advice to acquire Garmin eTrex.  I've ordered the Garmin eTrex 35 Touch with the pre-installed «TopoActive» Karte Europa, which is based on the OSM data, as I understood:

It supports the EGNOS, European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service, which is supposed to correct the GPS signal. I have no idea how it works in reality. It also has got the GPS and barometric altimeters.

Best regards,

On 05.11.18 19:59, _ dikkeknodel wrote:

Hi all,

Thanks for all the great advice. I’ve looked into uMap and it does the job perfectly. With all the gpx of over a year of hiking imported it still runs smoothly.

I would like to prevent running into performance issues later though. Does anybody know if it is wise to add ‘simplified’ versions of the gpx to uMap instead of the original recordings with 1 s resolution?

Since the published data is public, I just have to take into account not to import gpx which start from my home since I value my ‘sort of anonymity’.


To answer Oleksiy’s question, I record with OSMand on a Moto G4 smartphone, that works like a charm. Off course there is fluctuation due to accuracy errors, I guess 10-15 m is achievable most of the time, but close to near vertical mountains it becomes much worse.

It however does never happen that I miss long stretches of data (except for tunnels 😝). I did have that problem in the past, when <15% battery charge and Android automatically started the battery saving mode. That just turned of the gps antenna whenever the screen was off. So now I have set battery saving mode to off.

Also OSMand does not drain the battery much. Usually I do take a lot of notes which OSMand attaches to the gpx and loads perfectly into JOSM. Recently I also used the voice recorder of OSMand, which really speeds up the note taking while on the go in comparison to typing. These also load into JOSM via the gpx, but some fiddling with the location of the audio is required. Taking notes on the phone does have an effect on the battery life off course. A 20 km hike in the mountains easily takes 6-8h, which my phone reaches most of the time on one charge in flight mode. I do have a power-bank as back-up, and for multi-day hikes though.

Altitude measurements have always been a bit tricky with OSMand. I guess the raw elevation data from gps fluctuates quite a lot, and the data processing did not do a good job filtering errors from actual elevation change. After a hike with 1000m elevation gain according to the map, OSMand often showed I did 5000m... The graph of the track you can generate in OSMand also showed a lot of spikes with instant ascents of >200m. Recently that seems to have changed and the measurements seem to better represent the actual situation.

Hope this helps you with you work OSM workflow!



*Van: *Oleksiy Muzalyev <>
*Verzonden: *zaterdag 3 november 2018 18:51
*Onderwerp: *Re: [OSM-talk] How to get an overview of multiple gpx on OSM map?

Hi _dikkeknodel,

I have a question - how do you record a GPX trace during 20 km walk? It should be about 4 hours.

I also record GPS traces but usually for 15-20 minutes. I use a phone with the OSMTracker app for Android with mixed results. Sometimes it records a path well, sometimes it turns the second part of the walk into a long direct line. Such a trace I usually discard.

Besides it empties the phone battery rather quickly. I usually take a power-bank with me, but still it is not a good solution to get a phone battery empty in mountains.

I am thinking of getting a dedicated device which can record the GPX files, on the OSM map, and also measure and altitude more or less correctly. The question is - what device, what model.

Best regards,

On 03.11.18 16:09, _ dikkeknodel wrote:

    Hi all,

    Ever since I moved to Switzerland over a year ago I’ve been both
    hiking in the mountains and updating OSM details a lot. Since I
    hike at least 20 km every weekend, it must have totaled to about
    1200 km by now all across the country. I would love to get an
    overview of where I have been so far.

    Since I’ve got a GPX file of almost every hike, the data is there.
    I am now looking for a nice graphical way to plot all of these
    files at once on a nice OSM map, OpenTopoMap as a base layer would
    be great.

    I’ve been searching for a while how to arrange this (without much
    programming knowledge), but I am kind of lost at the moment.

    Does anybody have a hint?




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