Am Di., 11. Dez. 2018 um 11:52 Uhr schrieb Guillaume Rischard <>:

> Hi Rory and fellow members,
> I am a candidate in the board election, and have underlined in my
> manifesto how important it is that decisions like this are taken
> transparently. The detailed reasoning behind this decision must be
> published without delay.



> However, the on-the-ground rule is one of the very core values that we
> have built OSM and the OSMF on.


> says that OSM
> favours objective ‘Ground Truth’ over all other sources. The ‘Scope of the
> OSMF’ section says that it does not decide what to map or how to map.


The decision of the DWG was absolutely correct according to the rules that
OSM imposed on itself.

I think the board here is opening Pandora's box. It will certainly be
interesting to see how all the controversial areas will be judged from now

## Manfred Reiter
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