On Thu, Apr 11, 2019 at 2:10 AM Mateusz Konieczny <matkoni...@tutanota.com>

> * easy to edit by community
> I am dubious whatever "anybody can
> edit any preset stored as wikidata
> items" will be considered as benefit

One could also doubt that allowing direct OSM and Wikipedia edits by anyone
would be considered as a benefit... But it does, doesn't it?  Worst
case scenario: someone breaks a preset - with so many eyes on them (exposed
via wiki pages, used by all editors, monitored via numerous tools,
cross-checked by validation queries, etc etc etc), it will be fixed within

But we are talking more distant future. The initial idea is to generate
JSON / XML files from data items. So someone edits a data item, a script
will create a Pull Request for preset files. Devs can validate them all
before merging -- you get all the benefits I listed, plus more thorough

, track changes, and fix/revert in case of an error
> All of that is easier with current
> method of keeping them in
> git repositories.

Except there are several of these repositories, right? And some are
actually stored as wiki files for JOSM, without an easy diffing? Plus
another place to do translations. Plus there is no way you can see images
as part of those JSONs or XMLs? And plus you have to be a developer to
understand JSON.  But yes, pure iD presets have a good tracking feature in
of itself using github. Just doesn't offer all the other benefits.
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