On 07/04/2019 23:37, john whelan wrote:
> Developing an editor requires making decisions and having opinions on OSM tagging. This in turn means getting it wrong sometimes.

With something like iD spoon feeding new mappers with suggested presets the impact is much greater if something isn't quite right or the "directions" are not crystal clear and let's face it not all mapper's first language is English and reading through instructions is not fashionable in some quarters.

That's not borne out by what I see with a DWG hat on - we get to see quite a lot of complaints about problems caused by new mappers, and complaints about mistagging due to an editor preset in iD is pretty rare.  New mappers making faux pas due to misunderstanding JOSM, on the other hand, is pretty common.  That doesn't mean that one editor is inherently "good" and the other "bad" - they're different tools for different jobs.

Best Regards,


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