Today i was check the maps on their website and noticed they have a report button, which i thought would create a note on OSM. Oh i was wrong, no note on OSM, wonder where that report will go to. Also quite funny that once you submit you get a message "your feedback help us to *_make Facebook maps_* better for everyone"....had that ahah moment. Example i just done, feel free to try it yourself on the so called Facebook Maps

If anyone can reach them and ask them where that report goes i would like to know. I could email them, but they still haven't replied to several of my emails.

Another great example of promoting the growth of open data by corporate member of OSMF. Great citizens of OSMF.

These loopholes are already being exploited, especially from corporate members of OSMF Mapbox (they have several articles, medium tutorials and such where's no attribution) and Facebook. Which is a shame, as they are well aware of the spirit of OSM.

Oh and by the way, today makes one year i first sent an email to Facebook asking to comply.

Also makes 3 months i have asked the board to terminate Facebook rights under ODbL (no decision as fair as i know)

Meanwhile, Facebook did attribute on some maps, not on all. Evidence gathered in July of no attribution, that i just confirmed still not fixed. The most hilarious is their app Local, which uses OSM data but there's a reasonable calculated logo of HERE on the left corner of the map

Às 15:37 de 09/09/2019, Mateusz Konieczny escreveu:
Unfortunately proposed version contains
major loophole that will be deliberately
exploited by organisation like Facebook
or or Mapbox that describe
OSM data as their own.

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