W dniu 12.09.2019 o 07:02, Roland Olbricht pisze:
> > Changing to a github-like system of version management
> I thought of Git, not Github.
> This is an important distinction: Git is as decentralized as possible -
> whenever one works with a repo one gets the full data and history of the
> project to the local disk drive.

There is also GitHub-like service called Gitlab (with Community Edition
on a free license to be deployed on your own server), which is quite
popular option for managing Git projects, see:


Since we talk here about iD editor design choices, I also wanted to
mention OSM Carto (default map style which I'm involved in) as one of
the important tools related to tagging. There are no simple relations
between tagging and rendering department, for example lack of rendering
some objects does not stop people from tagging them, but it certainly
influences their choices in some way.

Our team is pretty conservative in that regard - not only tagging has to
be documented on wiki and the numbers should be substantial, but if
there is one scheme, there's a resistance to deploy any other scheme
which would duplicate it, which hinders the usage of any redesigned
schemes (public transport comes to mind for example). Over the time the
problem of scheme transitions will certainly go higher, so it's good to
think about how should it be handled by rendering.

BTW: Is there a chance to record and publish the discussion on the web?
Currently it looks like it won't be recorded, but even unofficial
recording done by participants would be interesting to me:



"Pojechałam truizmem, ale mogę, bo jestem trochę pierdołą" [P. Potocka]

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