> for smaller seas, I suggest adding names in all official / main languages 
> ​​of adjacent countries, so instead of "Black Sea" there will be:
Karadeniz Marea Neagră Чорне море | Черно море | Чёрное море | შავი ზღვა

That's fine.

> For larger seas (with more neighboring countries, so the name would exceed 
> the 255 character limit in OSM) and for continents, oceans and poles you need 
> to come up with something else

I'd suggest using the 6 main United Nations languages for the "name=*"
tag of Oceans and Continents: Arabic, Chinese, English, French,
Russian and Spanish.

But there is no perfect solution, and as mentioned, most database
users will want to pick a localized name of the form "name:<iso>=" so
these tags should be added.

- Joseph Eisenberg

On 12/5/19, Mateusz Konieczny <matkoni...@tutanota.com> wrote:
> 5 Dec 2019, 22:12 by to...@disroot.org:
>> EO:
>> PL:
> Note that it is an English language forum.
> You may ask for help with translation
> from Polish to English at
> https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=23
> Or you can initially discuss this proposal there,
> other mappers may have a useful feedback.
> -------
> the same content in Polish:
> Akurat tutaj używany jest język angielski.
> Jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy z tłumaczeniem na angielski to możesz
> poprosić o pomoc na
> https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=23
> Myślę że warto tam też przedyskutować
> ten pomysł, inni mapujący mogąmieć warte uwzględnienia przemyślenia.

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