At least in the JOSM editor there is an additional text in English near the wikidata code-title.

Since the wikidata title (or name) is usually translated on the wikidata page itself in different languages and it is a part of the accessible database, this text could be in different languages in a map editor.

If there is no translation of the wikidata item in a particular language, one can add it, even if there is no Wikipedia article in this language. The wikidata also contains the description and the alternative name.

So basically having the wikidata code-name, it is possible to display the name and even the description in any language of choice in a map editor.

So wikidata makes makes it technically possible to implement the modern principle stating that the true international language is the translation.

Best regards,

On 06-Dec-19 11:25, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
Yes, wikidata tag may be useful but it is an alphanumeric gibberish not readable by humans.

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