W dniu 19-12-06 o 14:11, Martin Constantino–Bodin pisze:
> Probably the most important point: the goal of the Esperanto community
> is not to overcome English in some kind of epic battle. It is to
> provide language diversity and avoid language imperialism. Hence, the
> main point of the community is not that Esperanto should be used as
> the international language instead of English, it’s that there should
> not be one unique international language: Esperanto should be an
> international language, not the international language ☺ Anyway, the
> Esperanto movement is complex, and some parts of it just states that
> Esperanto should be used for pragmatical reasons as it costs much less
> to teach it than other languages (a good instance of this is
> https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapport_Grin ).
Problemo estas, ke anglaj imperiistoj volas altrudi sian lingvo al aliaj
nacioj; kaj ne komprenas (ne volas kompreni) se iu skribas en alia
lingvo ol la angla, ĉu estas tiel malfacile uzi tradukilon de
Problemem jest to, że angielscy imperialiści chcą narzucić swój język
innym narodom; i nie rozumieją (nie chcą zrozumieć) jak ktoś pisze w
innym jeżyku niż angielski, czy jest tak trudno skorzystać z tłumacza
The problem is that the English imperialists want to impose their
language on other nations; and do not understand (do not want to
understand) how someone writes in a language other than English, is it
so difficult to use Google / Yandex / Bing?

W dniu 19-12-06 o 00:02, Joseph Eisenberg pisze:
>> for smaller seas, I suggest adding names in all official / main languages 
>> ​​of adjacent countries, so instead of "Black Sea" there will be:
> Karadeniz Marea Neagră Чорне море | Черно море | Чёрное море | შავი ზღვა
> That's fine.
La ĝusta signo por disigi nomojn estas “/”, baldaŭ mi komencos ŝanĝi!
Właściwym znakiem rozdzielającym jest „/”, zaraz zacznę zmieniać!
The correct separator is "/", I will start changing!

W dniu 19-12-06 o 08:04, Maarten Deen pisze:
> On 2019-12-05 22:12, Tomek wrote:
>> EN:
>> In what language should the names of interstate objects be: seas /
>> bays, continents, oceans, poles? They are not currently displayed on
>> the default map(1), programs (e.g. OsmAnd, iD and JOSM editors) use
>> the name:LANGUAGE label, so the content of the "name" label is
>> ideological only, not practical.
> I disagree that the name tag is ideological. Maybe you use the wrong
> word and meant theoretical? 
Ne havanta praktikan signifon (ĉiuj uzas name:LINGVO), nur por esti tien.
Nie mający praktycznego znaczenia (wszyscy korzystają z name:JĘZYK),
tylko na pokaz.
Not of practical importance (everyone uses the name:LANGUAGE), just for

W dniu 19-12-06 o 10:33, Oleksiy Muzalyev pisze:
> For many geographical names there are articles in the Latin version of
> Wikipedia. For example, for the Black Sea:
> https://la.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontus_Euxinus
> for Poland: https://la.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polonia , for Canada:
> https://la.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada , etc.
> So if one wishes to add a name in Latin, i.e. name:la in the editor,
> it is possible just to look it up in the Latin version of Wikipedia.
> The Latin language was widely used in the cartography and in science
> in general over the past centuries. For example Isaac Newton's book
> "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica", one of the most
> important works in the history of science, was published in 1687 in
> Latin.
> And it is still used in science nowadays. The legacy of the Rēs
> pūblica Rōmāna & Imperium Rōmānum, including its language, is so
> enormous that it can never get extinct. At the same time the Latin
> does not have a standing army any more.
> So it is indeed kind of neutral. What is beneficial and safer for
> mappers in some parts. Besides the name in Latin is often recognizable
> for people who speak English, French, German, etc. Even for people
> from the Cyrillic, Chinese, Korean, etc. background it is often also
> understandable, since the Latin alphabet is studied at the elementary
> school.
Anstataŭ Latino eblas uzi Interlingvaon:
tio ĉi estas “rekreita kaj simpligita” Latino.
Zamiast łaciny można korzystać z Interlingwy:
jest to coś tak jakby „odtworzona i uproszczona” łacina.
Instead of Latin, you can use Interlingua:
it is something like "recreated and simplified" Latin.

W dniu 19-12-06 o 10:53, Maarten Deen pisze:
>>> Still, it is a Good Idea to have one standard (language) to
>>> communicate
>>> or define things, like everything meant for an international public
>>> in
>>> the wiki is English and the tag system is English.
>> you should argue why it is a good idea to have _one_ standard language
>> in the project. IMHO it excludes many billions of people from
> Depens on what you use it for. I'm sure you're not arguing for having
> tag names in chinese. These are all in (UK) English. The same goes for
> the majority of the wiki pages geared towards the basis of this
> project. Sure, there are translations (and that is good), but the
> English page is usually the guideline.
> I see nothing bad in that. Yes, it implies that you need to be
> relatively proficient in English to be able to contribute there, but
> what is the alternative? Going to Esperanto or Chinese will put more
> people off the project than it will attract
La ununuraj argumentoj por la angla lingvo estas:
1) ĝi estas jam uzata
2) Usono estis ekonomia potenco dum la 20‑centjaro;
la retpaĝo de OSM estas jam tradukita al EO, iD redaktilo ankaŭ; mi ne
proponas (kaj ne proponos) ŝanĝi OSM‑etikedojn, kutima uzanto ne devas
scii pri OSM‑etikedoj.
Jedynymi argumentami za używaniem języka angielskiego są:
1) jest już używany
2) USA była potęgą ekonomiczną w XX wieku;
strona główna OSM i edytor iD są przetłumaczone na EO; nie proponuję i
nie zaproponuję zmiany tagowania OSM, zwykły użytkownik i tak nie musi
wiedzieć co to tag.
The only arguments for using English are:
1) is already in use
2) the USA was an economic power in the 20th century;
OSM main page and iD editor are translated into EO;I don't suggest and
won't suggest OSM tag change, a regular user doesn't need to know what a
tag is.

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