On 06/12/2019 14:40, Tomek wrote:
The problem is that the English imperialists want to impose their language on other nations; and do not understand (do not want to understand) how someone writes in a language other than English, is it so difficult to use Google / Yandex / Bing?

Taking a step back from the original problem (what should go in the name tag for e.g. the Atlantic Ocean), I think it's worth thinking about how you're trying to discuss this with people.

I'd suggest that talking about "English imperialists" as part of your argument is unhelpful to your cause, not because it is rude (even though it is) but because ultimately you presumably want to win people over to your point of view.  It would help to try and understand how OSM got into the position it is in now (with one "name" tag and lots of "name:language" tags) and to try and understand the conflicting requirements that mean that there isn't going to be a perfect solution that satisfies everyone.  Until you do that and understand where other people are coming from you won't be able to engage with their arguments, and you won't be able to make an argument that engages with their point of view and perhaps expands their worldview a bit.

Best Regards,


PS:  If you'd like to create a map that's based on EO name tags let me know if you would like any help.

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