W dniu 19-12-06 o 19:01, Andy Townsend pisze:
> On 06/12/2019 14:40, Tomek wrote:
>> EN
>> The problem is that the English imperialists want to impose their
>> language on other nations; and do not understand (do not want to
>> understand) how someone writes in a language other than English, is
>> it so difficult to use Google / Yandex / Bing?
> Taking a step back from the original problem (what should go in the
> name tag for e.g. the Atlantic Ocean), I think it's worth thinking
> about how you're trying to discuss this with people.
> I'd suggest that talking about "English imperialists" as part of your
> argument is unhelpful to your cause, not because it is rude (even
> though it is) but because ultimately you presumably want to win people
> over to your point of view.  It would help to try and understand how
> OSM got into the position it is in now (with one "name" tag and lots
> of "name:language" tags) and to try and understand the conflicting
> requirements that mean that there isn't going to be a perfect solution
> that satisfies everyone.  Until you do that and understand where other
> people are coming from you won't be able to engage with their
> arguments, and you won't be able to make an argument that engages with
> their point of view and perhaps expands their worldview a bit.
Wiadomość użytkownika „Cheerio John” tylko potwierdza moje zdanie. Ale
to nieistotne, spróbujmy dojść do porozumienia i rozwiązać problem.

La mesaĝo de uzanto “Cheerio John” nur apogas mian opinion. Sed tio ne
gravas, ni provu akiri interkompreniĝon kaj solvi la problemon.

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