
a user started adding "trace_zoom" and "trace_zoom:range" tags to
objects in OSM, and closer inspection led to this MapRoulette task:


It claims to be created by "MappingHuman" and carries these instructions:

--- snip ---

    use your most preferred imagery
    has to be familiar with Solving Multiple Tasks Together before
forwarding completions
    improveWay tracing, lock zoom level
    add trace_zoom=* if non-exist, ensure to match zoom
    add trace_zoom:range=* if non-exist, to indicate approx. trace_zoom
    add source on Object or changeset
    freely include comments

Changeset comments

please consider including hashtags/comment-words: mappinghuman #M.H
#alongside_A.I #maproulette for changeset analysis

--- snip ---

I am at a loss here. Who is "Mapping Human" and what is their goal with
this? Which objects have they selected for editing and according to what
criteria? Why are they apparently instructing users to add unusual tags
(trace_toom, trace_zoom:range) to OSM? Why do they request to "add
source on Object or changeset" when adding source tags on objects is
generally recommended against? What are the cryptic changeset comments
"#M.H #alongside_A.I"?

Is there any way to find answers other than sending a private message to
the pseudonymous "Mapping Human" through MapRoulette?

How many other equally cryptic tasks are there on MapRoulette?

Is there even any quality control when people create new MapRoulette
tasks? Or at least some sort of four-eyes principle? Or at least a
transparency "best practice" that would lead to people explaining who
they are, what they want to achieve with a certain task, how many tasks
they're running and what instructions they are giving to users?


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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