Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2020 09:09:09 -0400
> From: john whelan <>
> To: OpenStreetMap talk mailing list <>
> Subject: [OSM-talk] fixme=name
> Message-ID:
>         <CAJ-Ex1GJi-Bu5pUJN56pxYJTe_FmC1Y=
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> I'm seeing a fair number of settlements with this fixme tagged on them and
> I'm not sure what the logic is.

It may have been a user who wanted to draw attention to the fact that she
has inserted a place without knowing the name.
I am using fixme frequently on a similar way, when I encounter ditches or
similar minor water features in the Mapillary images and in the satellite
image that are crossing the highway I am mapping. I put a bridge or culvert
on the crossing and put a stretch of the water feature in the map, without
trying to follow it entirely, I frequently put something like "fixme=
name?; flow direction?; incomplete" as I think it is important to note that
there is this water course crossing the highway , but I have not followed
it up.
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