But then you're often talking about a HOT mapper who might not have done any mapping for three years.

I must confess when validating HOT projects if I saw a mapper had done something glaringly wrong and it was more than a week before noting the response rate to a changeset message was less than 1% I may have simply corrected the work.

I haven't been on the ground in Africa but I suspect the number of villages a kilometre apart connected by a one kilometre motorway is not high.  If have I reclassified someone's private motorway  I apologise.

I think we have talked around the subject enough and it should be left to the local mappers to decide what to do.

Thanks John

Mateusz Konieczny via talk wrote on 2020-03-12 7:17 PM:

Mar 12, 2020, 23:54 by dieterdre...@gmail.com:

    sent from a phone

        On 12. Mar 2020, at 17:42, Marc M. <marc_marc_...@hotmail.com>

        we may delete all fixme=name for all object without a name tag

    I agree that fixme=name for missing names is pointless and could
    be removed (although Andy has a point about not knowing someone’s
    workflow, so for safety you could spare those added in the past
    1-3 months). If there are other questions concerning the name it
    would obviously have been better if they had been more explicit
    about these potential problems in the fixme tag, but still, if
    someone has added a fixme=name on an object with a name we should
    keep it.

Though unspecific fixme=name is not very useful, I would ask in changeset that added this
what exactly is wrong/suspicious if I would encounter it during editing.

And yes, fixme=name on object without name is likely completely useless.
But I would also consider asking people adding it whatever it is used in any way.

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