On Apr 20, 2020, at 2:02 AM, Jiri Vlasak <jiri.huba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> +1. I feel that "contributors" should stay in the credit.

+1 here, as well.  I correctly and not with excessive overt pride sit up a bit 
straighter and feel a sense of community, satisfaction and even dignity every 
time I see "contributors" in OSM's copyright statement.  ("That's millions of 
us doing good work because we love this kind of mapping, including ME!")  This 
recognition is important.  This is one of the best reasons I contribute to our 
map and I am certain that I'm not alone in these feelings.  (For every +1 you 
see here, there are hundreds, thousands, I'm pretty sure millions that you 
don't see).

Sure, the results are a darn good map which gets better every hour of every 
day.  But crediting "contributors" is a critical component of that happening.  
Remove it and you remove my sense of belonging to this mapping community, so, 
the growing chant from the masses should be clear:  don't do that.  Changing 
the rules (licensing, recognition, rights...) in the middle of the journey is 
the quickest way to discourage more of us to drop out of this fine project.

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