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> On 29. Apr 2020, at 23:17, Kathleen Lu <> wrote:
> Mapbox also has a whitelabling option for customers to remove the logo from 
> Mapbox tiles. But again, we're talking about the tile service. It would be 
> quite reasonable for OSM to add a logo to the OSM tiles and make keeping that 
> logo on there a condition of using OSM tiles. 
> Separately, it *is* possible to use certain Mapbox data without using Mapbox 
> tiles.

actually you even have to put a mapbox logo on the map if you show your own 
data, hosted by mapbox:

Maps using Mapbox map designs or data supplied by Mapbox must display both the 
Mapbox wordmark and text attribution. 

You must also display the Mapbox wordmark if your map uses a custom style or 
custom data hosted by Mapbox.

Cheers Martin 
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