While the benefit of making Potlatch 2 on AIR is small, the cost is tiny.

2500 Euros is an insignificant price to pay for supporting an editor which
is still used by a couple of thousand long-term users.

I support this expenditure.

– Joseph Eisenberg

On Sun, Aug 2, 2020 at 10:05 AM Alexandre Oliveira <rockyt...@gmail.com>

> I'd like to share my two cents on the matter of supporting Potlatch 2,
> an editor built with (now) dead technology.
> I don't think it's worth spending money to update P2 to Air. As others
> have stated, Air has been discontinued as well, and it was developed
> by Adobe, probably with the same amount of security flaws as Flash
> had, which contributed to its demise. I don't see Air as different
> even though it's being maintained now by Samsung.
> Just take a look. The web is different than when P2 released; flash is
> deprecated and a synonym for vulnerable systems, Air tried to take off
> but now it's just another dead technology. What are the benefits of
> porting P2 to Air? It may be easier because Air may share some code
> with Flash, which in turn makes it easier to port to.
> However, I think that the OSMF should find someone familiar with Flash
> and look forward to porting P2 to modern web technologies (please not
> Electron!), like WebAssembly or Web 2.0. Be it JavaScript,
> CoffeeScript or TypeScript, React, Angular, Vue.js or any other modern
> web tech, it doesn't matter. I think it's going to be money well spent
> if P2 was ported to a supported web technology and not something that
> died a few years ago and is on life support, and barely anyone uses it
> nowadays.
> IMO porting P2 to Air is just a waste of money and time from the
> developer, and we will reach the same point in the future, be it
> either for deprecating P2 or looking to port it to newer web
> technologies. OSMF should prepare for the future and not continue
> using deprecated technology.
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