I have been silent about this but when a document is drafted where only supporters will be heard, I have to speak out in Frederiks support. I have seen no systemic aggressive behaviour that demotivates and excludes participation by women and minority groups in OSM or behaviour that degrades the spirit of open community culture, and damages the OpenStreetMap reputation from Frederik.

If you then feel that I am part of the problem, I am saddened and hurt by that because I do not feel myself that way. I have never been non-supportive of anyone in this community or any other. I feel this is more a witchhunt than anything else. If you can not make an analogy then conversation and discussion is lost and I do not see how this comment would degrade women. It degrades the maker of the comment, i.e. Trump.


On 2020-12-09 20:06, Celine Jacquin wrote:
Hello everybody
I hope you are all well

We, several groups, chapters, organizations and individuals, have
reacted to the conversation in the osm-talk-list
considering that it is an incident symptomatic of the problem we have
faced for many years in the community, which is one of the greatest
obstacles to diversity at all levels of OSM. Time to make a real
change.That is why we have developed a beginning of statement on the
desirable mechanisms to work solidly on the rules of coexistence and
improve diversity.

We bring it to your attention and invite anyone who feels represented
to sign it. Translations are in preparation (any help is welcome):

On behalf of the signatories

Best regards

CĂ©line Jacquin
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