I am strongly opposed to quota system

"Board Seat allocation for OSMF members who are women and non-cis males,
and who are citizens of Low and Middle Income Countries"

(also, note that it is "citizens of", not actually poor people, also looking at 
"this definition is not universally agreed upon. There is also no clear 
agreement on
which countries fit this category."
https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Low_and_Middle_Income_Countries )

Also, while I am one of people who protested about comparing plagiarism to rape,
claiming that it was "dehumanizing message" is going too far in my opinion.

"Make Working Groups and OSM activities more equitable" is it also
code for "introduce quota system"?

Dec 9, 2020, 20:06 by cel...@gmail.com:

> Hello everybody
> I hope you are all well
> We, several groups, chapters, organizations and individuals, have reacted to 
> the conversation in the osm-talk-list (> 
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2020-December/085692.html> ) 
> considering that it is an incident symptomatic of the problem we have faced 
> for many years in the community, which is one of the greatest obstacles to 
> diversity at all levels of OSM. Time to make a real change.
> That is why we have developed a beginning of statement on the desirable 
> mechanisms to work solidly on the rules of coexistence and improve diversity.
> We bring it to your attention and invite anyone who feels represented to sign 
> it. Translations are in preparation (any help is welcome): 
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/130JCTX9ve4H4ORXznmIVTpXiN3TX8nRGA8ayuTZ9ECI/edit?usp=sharing
> On behalf of the signatories
> Best regards
> Céline Jacquin

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