Hi Céline, hi all.

Like you, I'm just another participant in this list*.  However, perhaps it would be helpful to refer the existing etiquette guidelines adopted by the OSMF ages ago: https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/EtiquetteIt's clear that Frederik's original post didn't abide by all of the points under "Mailing Lists" there (which include "Calmly adding to the discussion can help keep things tame on the mailing list" among others; clearly he did not follow those recommendations).  Rory's already rightly called that out at https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2020-December/085723.html ("There are many examples of people excusing how Trump acted before the 2016 election, claiming he would be “presidential” when elected, and you had to choose the example regarding sexual assault?").  It's also clear that your Google document doesn't abide by those either.  Note that that won't be visible to some quite large OSM communities who don't have access to Google docs due to US government restrictions.  I did try and include the text in this message but that caused it to exceed the list message limit; perhaps you could put a copy in the OSM wiki instead where everyone can see it?

You write "Power dynamics in OSM are controlled by a dominant contributor profile: white, western and male" which I doubt that many would disagree with.  However, you go on to say "This power dynamic leads to a communication style which includes misogynistic, hostile, targeting, doxing, unfriendly, competitive, intimidating, patronising messaging, which is offensive to us".

The first "mailing list" item in https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Etiquette is "Assume good faith".  I would always argue that an attempt at dialogue, which includes both sides listening, is always better that an escalation of rhetoric.  That doesn't mean there aren't actual "unfriendly"or "hostile" messages within OSM channels, as well as messages that were perceived as "unfriendly"or "hostile" even when they weren't meant as such, but it does mean that actually talking to the real person behind the messages is surely the way forward**.  Continuing with "... doxing, competitive, intimidating ..." without citing evidence of each of those doesn't add weight to the argument; it detracts from it.

That doesn't mean that people who want change have to somehow be restricted to "asking nicely" for it (throughout history change has been forced by people who refused to "ask nicely" - in the last century the Pankhursts, Dietrich Bonhoffer et al, the ANC and Stonewall all spring to mind).  It's entirely normal for both sides of a heated argument to view the other's as "unreasonable", but hyperbole really doesn't help to shed light rather than heat on things. We're all actually trying to achieve the same goal here*** and in an election, the community can decide whose vision of how to get there is best.

Speaking of which: it's a bit late for this year; but have you thought of standing for the board yourself?

Best Regards


(sending to the list this time after a previous attempt inadvertantly went astray)

* full disclosure: I'm a member of OSM's Data Working Group, so am far from without agency in OSM - I am also white, western and male.  With a DWG hat on I regularly see problems escalated to us where the language used has got more than a little out of control. https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2020-November/085658.html is pretty typical of the approach I'll try and use in those cases

** In the world of OSM edits I'm a huge fan of changeset discussion comments as the primary means of discussing an edit that has been made.  They're not a perfect mechanism, but the fact that they're public and inherently person-to-person helps to detoxify dialogue.

*** I'm sure that both Michal and Frederik are striving for what they genuinely believe is best for OSM.  The fact that they fundamentally disagree about how to achieve that doesn't mean that one or the other is acting in bad faith.

On 09/12/2020 19:06, Celine Jacquin wrote:

Hello everybody
I hope you are all well

We, several groups, chapters, organizations and individuals, have reacted to the conversation in the osm-talk-list (https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2020-December/085692.html <https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2020-December/085692.html>) considering that it is an incident symptomatic of the problem we have faced for many years in the community, which is one of the greatest obstacles to diversity at all levels of OSM. Time to make a real change. That is why we have developed a beginning of statement on the desirable mechanisms to work solidly on the rules of coexistence and improve diversity.

We bring it to your attention and invite anyone who feels represented to sign it. Translations are in preparation (any help is welcome): https://docs.google.com/document/d/130JCTX9ve4H4ORXznmIVTpXiN3TX8nRGA8ayuTZ9ECI/edit?usp=sharing <https://docs.google.com/document/d/130JCTX9ve4H4ORXznmIVTpXiN3TX8nRGA8ayuTZ9ECI/edit?usp=sharing>

On behalf of the signatories
Best regards

Céline Jacquin

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