Another two cents worth, about peripheral vision: While horseback riding, a top 
riding instructor said "if you look down, you will be down", meaning that if a 
rider looks down at the ground, that is where he/she will end up, which is down 
on the ground.
In the sport of horseback riding, I was taught to always look straight ahead, 
and use my peripheral vision to see the footing ahead to see what is on each 
side of me.
I teach our tango students the same thing. Peripheral vision is a sense that we 
already have.  The skill to use it can be honed in order to help us on the 
dance floor.
Try this: put your arm out straight ahead of you. Look straight ahead of you.  
Keep looking straight ahead of you. Slowly lower your extended arm towards the 
floor. Whilst still looking straight ahead of you, stop your arm when you can 
no longer see your hand. You may be surprised how low your hand is at this 
point. Do same exercise but move your hand out to the side. Same surprise.  
This procedure will exercise your peripheral vision, and will help you on the 
dance floor. A man can look straight ahead (keeping his head in his own space) 
and still see other peoples' feet and avoid bumping into tables and other 

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