I think this is much simple and better, u don't need cron.d:

 # fetchmail -d 60
(delay every 60 second to fetch e-mail)

u can put this command for many users or u can make .fetchmailrc on user root, write 
command like this ex:
poll (your mail server) with proto APOP user (username) there with password 
"(password)" is (username) here fetchall nokeep

note: I assume u use APOP


>* * * * * /usr/bin/fetchmail
>should work, and make sure crond is running. Anyway, what's the purpose of
>running fetchmail every minute?

>On Wed, 5 Nov 2003, chan hweefarn saputra wrote:
>> hi :)
>> i want fetchmail to be run automatically every minute.
>> so, i prepare a file called "runFetchmail" and put it
>> in /etc/cron.d/
>> inside file "runFetchmail", i put scripts like below:
>> #run fetchmail every minute
>> */1**** /usr/bin/fetchmail
>> is this correct? why after i apply this, the fetchmail
>> still not running every minute? i must manually run it
>> everytime i want to start check mail.
>> thanks :)
>> hweefarn
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