On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 02:41:15AM -0800, chan hweefarn saputra wrote:
> hi :)
> i want fetchmail to be run automatically every minute.
> so, i prepare a file called "runFetchmail" and put it
> in /etc/cron.d/ 
Are you use Debian? CMIIW ar as I know, Debian use cron.d, Red Hat and
Mandrake don't. if you use cron.d, there are spesific rule that differ
from common crontab. First, the name should the same as package that
supply (fetchmail). Second, include user filed that run that program
(so, as root, if you want run it under root account). If you doubt,
consider using crontab first (crontab -e), and if success, you could
using cron.d with those requirement above (man crontab)
> inside file "runFetchmail", i put scripts like below:
> #run fetchmail every minute
> */1**** /usr/bin/fetchmail
Need a space between entry, like(i.e still using cron.d style):
*/1 * * * * root /usr/bin/fetchmail

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