--- ahmad riza h nst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: > 
> > Halo,
> >
> > Saya belum pernah install kernel source (kalau
> compile
> > pernah, tapi dari source yang sudah tersedia di
> > distro). Sedang coba install kernel source tapi
> > menemui kendala :
> >   - di harddisk sudah ada
> /usr/src/linux-2.4.9-e.12
> >   - saya downloand kernel-2.4.9-e.27.src.rpm
> >   - saya lakukan rpm -ivh
> kernel-2.4.9-e.27.src.rpm
> > (tanpa error, jalan sampai 100%).
> kalau maksud anda mo nginstall kernel biner dari
> kernel source mungkin
> bisa dengan perintah :
> rpmbuild --rebuild kernel-2.4.9-e.27.src.rpm
> untuk redhat9.0 file biner rpm nya akan di letak di
> /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 (sesuai dengan arsitektur
> kompie anda) .. :D
> salam
> -------
> rizahnst
> admin ecek-ecek

Terima kasih atas jawabannya. Itu memang kernel redhat
 (RHES 2.1), dan ternyata file di taruh di
/usr/src/REDHAT/..dst..dst. Setelah googling beberapa
saat akhirnya ketemu ini :

You can create your packages with the file you
(kernel-2.4.9-e.27.src.rpm ):

After installing kernel-2.4.9-e.27.src.rpm, if you
look under
/usr/src/redhat, you'll find several directories, each
sources, patches, etc...

One thing to note is that if you "rpm -qa |grep
kernel", you won't find
that package as installed, but it is there

How to compile ?

cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS

rpm -bb --target i686 kernel-2.4.spec

This will take a while... go for a coffee. When
everything is done (on
my case it all worked fine), you'll have
this BINARY file:



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