On Thu, Nov 06, 2003 at 01:11:18PM +0700, Asfihani wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 10:30:15PM +0700, I Gede Wijaya S wrote:
> > Are you use Debian? CMIIW ar as I know, Debian use cron.d, Red Hat and
> > Mandrake don't. if you use cron.d, there are spesific rule that differ
> > from common crontab. 
> Wrong,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] asfik]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
> Red Hat Linux release 9 (Shrike)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] asfik]$ rpm -ql vixie-cron | grep /etc
> /etc/cron.d
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/crond
Of course, there is cron.d in both RH and Mandrake (I checked myself
too, before I posted this message)
My assumption based on "man crontab" or manual crontab(1). In RH or mandrake, there is 
not a
single word that refer to "cron.d". in Debian, there is explanation
about it:
#man crontab
The -l option causes the current crontab to be displayed on standard
output. See the note under DEBIAN SPECIFIC below.
The "out-of-the-box" behaviour for crontab -l is to display the three
#end of man crontab

based on that man, I just know the requirement if we want put the script
under /etc/cron.d, and I checked if there are scripts under it, to see
how it works

of cource, the word that refer to cron.d actually in manual
cron(8)(Mandrake and RH)
#man cron
Cron also searches for /etc/crontab and the files in the /etc/cron.d/
directory,  which  are  in  a  different format (see crontab(5))
#end of man cron

Again, no words refer to cron.d, and, for me a little bit difficult to
read the terse manual. As for Debian, from man crontab only, you could
see how the format if the script put under /etc/cron.d

<bahasa indonesia>
Karena agak kesusahan untuk bagian ini, aku pakai bahsa Indonesia saja
Oyah, aku juga ingin tahu, bagi siapa saja yang menggunakan RH atau
Mandrake, dimana meletakkan script amavisd-new+SpamAssassin yang
menggunakan mode "sa-learn", yang diset untuk waktu tertentu. Untuk
menambah pengetahuan tentang distro-2 lain selain Debian 

Terima Kasih

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