On 6/15/2004, "Rio Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>MRTG nya yang tinggi itu bagian Incoming Traffic atau Outgoing Traffic,
>bahkan dua - dua nya. Coba cek log APACHE, apakah ada yang coba - coba
>CONNECT port 25 terus - terusan ? kalau ada disitulah masalahnya yang
>bandwidth cukup banyak.
>Sekalian minta saran dari rekan2, gimana cara APACHE memblokir serangan
>CONNECT yang ndak jelas tersebut.

mungkin ini bisa membantu

Spammers use open Apache proxies

Over the last few weeks we've been receiving a number of reports where people
running Apache servers have found that their servers have been used to send
out Spam email messages. 

It appears that the Spammers are using an automated tool to find open Apache
proxies. If the tool finds an open proxy on your machine it sends a POST
request through the proxy to the local SMTP port (25), passing on the spam
messages it wishes to send. Since most people will have set up their mail
transfer agent to allow relaying of mail sent from the local host, the
messages get sent out from your machine.

Some of the reporters believe that this is a vulnerability of the Apache web
server by allowing proxy connections to arbitrary ports. However the majoriry
of sites that run open Apache proxies are doing so because of a
misconfiguration rather than by design. Open proxies allow attackers wanting
to target vulnerabilities at other sites (such as Cross site scripting
attacks, SQL injection attacks and so on) to hide or complicate their real

If you are running the Apache web server we'd recommend that you take a look
at your configuration files and make sure that you have not inadvertently set
up an open proxy.

If you do not need to act as a proxy server at all then make sure that the
directive "ProxyRequests On" does not appear in your configuration file. Note
that you do not need to use the ProxyRequests directive if you only want to
use Apache as a reverse proxy.

However ifyou do need to act as a proxy server, make sure that you only allow
authorised hosts to connect. For example using the following configuration

<Directory proxy:*>
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from fred.example.com

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