kebetulan setting apache tidak diaktifkan proxy , ditempat saya
menggunakan squidarg buat  chek download ama upload setiap user , ( squid
2.5 stable 4 + mysql_auth ( utk auth user proxy)).dan setiap log saya cek
ko ada ip luar yg coba akses port 25

nah kira kira settingan mana lagi yg mesti saya cek.

terima kasih

> On 6/15/2004, "Rio Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>MRTG nya yang tinggi itu bagian Incoming Traffic atau Outgoing Traffic,
> atau
>>bahkan dua - dua nya. Coba cek log APACHE, apakah ada yang coba - coba
>>CONNECT port 25 terus - terusan ? kalau ada disitulah masalahnya yang
> habisin
>>bandwidth cukup banyak.
>>Sekalian minta saran dari rekan2, gimana cara APACHE memblokir serangan
>>CONNECT yang ndak jelas tersebut.
> mungkin ini bisa membantu
> Spammers use open Apache proxies
> Over the last few weeks we've been receiving a number of reports where
> people
> running Apache servers have found that their servers have been used to
> send
> out Spam email messages.
> It appears that the Spammers are using an automated tool to find open
> Apache
> proxies. If the tool finds an open proxy on your machine it sends a POST
> request through the proxy to the local SMTP port (25), passing on the spam
> messages it wishes to send. Since most people will have set up their mail
> transfer agent to allow relaying of mail sent from the local host, the
> messages get sent out from your machine.
> Some of the reporters believe that this is a vulnerability of the Apache
> web
> server by allowing proxy connections to arbitrary ports. However the
> majoriry
> of sites that run open Apache proxies are doing so because of a
> misconfiguration rather than by design. Open proxies allow attackers
> wanting
> to target vulnerabilities at other sites (such as Cross site scripting
> attacks, SQL injection attacks and so on) to hide or complicate their real
> origin.
> If you are running the Apache web server we'd recommend that you take a
> look
> at your configuration files and make sure that you have not inadvertently
> set
> up an open proxy.
> If you do not need to act as a proxy server at all then make sure that the
> directive "ProxyRequests On" does not appear in your configuration file.
> Note
> that you do not need to use the ProxyRequests directive if you only want
> to
> use Apache as a reverse proxy.
> However ifyou do need to act as a proxy server, make sure that you only
> allow
> authorised hosts to connect. For example using the following configuration
> sample:
> <Directory proxy:*>
> Order deny,allow
> Deny from all
> Allow from
> </Directory>
> --
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