Setuju ...
Email 2x seperti ini juga yg akhirnya "DAPAT MENYADARKAN" para pengguna M$ ...
dan para pengguna LINUX semakin semangat menggunakan OS-nya.

On Wednesday 04 August 2004 07:51, Adi Nugroho wrote:
> On Tuesday 03 August 2004 19:47, Priyadi Iman Nurcahyo wrote:
> > wah pak, itu udah jelas2 trolling... lebih baik di-ban saja pak... daripada
> > flame war gak jelas juntrungannya... :)
> Jangan di-ban, Pak....
> Yang seperti ini berguna untuk kita-kita pengguna Linux juga.
> Btw, mestinya mail dari klas tsb diforward ke linux-aktivis, bukan 
> tanya-jawab :-)
> -- 
> Salam,
> Adi Nugroho
> PT iNterNUX - Internet Service Provider
> Jl. Dr. Sam Ratulangi No. 53 J Makassar
> Tel: +62-411-834690 Fax: +62-411-834691

Linux prastoto 2.6.4-52-default #1 Wed Apr 7 02:08:30 UTC 2004 i686 athlon i386 
Powered by              SuSE 9.1 Pro 
Desktop using           KDE 3.2.1 
Send Email using        KMail 1.6.2
THE CHANCE you got comes never twice, Do your best and Do it right
Time will come but you don't hide, You are on your way 
We've got the POWER We are divine, We have the guts to follow the sign
Extracting tensions from sources unknown, We are the ones to cover the throne

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Description: signature

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