On Wed, Sep 15, 2004 at 03:00:24PM -0000, Dion wrote:
> > On Wed, Sep 15, 2004 at 12:35:41PM -0000, Dion wrote:
> >> Setahu saya dhcpd ngga broadcast apa apa in regards to dhcp protocol.
> >> client yang broadcast DHCPDISCOVER ke servers.
> >
> > DHCP itu menggunakan UDP packets, jadi layer 3. Gimana caranya layer 3
> > packets yg dikirim oleh server bisa mencapai si client yg belum punya
> > layer 3 address? Broadcast.
> Unicast langsung ke MAC address, hanya jika client set broadcast bit waktu
> request, server akan broadcast.
> kutipan dari ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc2131.txt

Tambahan lagi dari section 4.1:

   If the 'giaddr' field in a DHCP message from a client is non-zero,
   the server sends any return messages to the 'DHCP server' port on the
   BOOTP relay agent whose address appears in 'giaddr'. If the 'giaddr'
   field is zero and the 'ciaddr' field is nonzero, then the server
   unicasts DHCPOFFER and DHCPACK messages to the address in 'ciaddr'.
   If 'giaddr' is zero and 'ciaddr' is zero, and the broadcast bit is
   set, then the server broadcasts DHCPOFFER and DHCPACK messages to
   0xffffffff. If the broadcast bit is not set and 'giaddr' is zero and
   'ciaddr' is zero, then the server unicasts DHCPOFFER and DHCPACK
   messages to the client's hardware address and 'yiaddr' address.  In
   all cases, when 'giaddr' is zero, the server broadcasts any DHCPNAK
   messages to 0xffffffff.

Thanks utk koreksi dan researchnya. Ternyata memang loncat dr layer 3
ke layer 2, dan mengandalkan special treatments utk TCP/IP di luar yg
biasanya, dan cuma broadcast utk clients yg tidak bisa unicast sebelum
TCP/IP-nya configured dg benar.


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