On Friday 04 March 2005 09:55 am, Asfihani wrote:
> Sorry nih mas Avudz, saya cuman 'one day man installer'. Coba baca
> file power point tentang Squid disini :
> http://www.perl.org/tpc/2002/sessions/wessels_duane.ppt

terima kasih mas asfik url nya. 
sebelum nya saya mohon maaf juga KPresenter saya kok blank setiap nampilin 
hasil dari wessels_duane.ppt dan hanya beberapa yg terbuka. 
asumsi saya, berhubung itu tulisan nya taun 2002 :-) maaf sebelum nya saya 
juga wan de men instole, ga ekpert :)

1. ReiserFS is significantly faster than ext2 when dealing with thousands of 
small files. [1] Since small files are pretty much all a web cache deals with

2. ReiserFS has a high (reproducible) variance when copying the kernel 
tarball. [2]

3. I'm really happy with performance/crash recovery

hehehe.. YMMV.
dulu soal nya pernah gunain EXT2 terus crash, fyuh reboot nya lama :-) *urud 
maaf, OOT.


*#indolinux ke irc.allnetwork.org yuk fik* :-)


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