On Thu, Aug 02, 2007 at 10:26:44AM +0700, Arief Yudhawarman wrote:
> Rekan2 ada yg sudah pernah mencoba membuat answering machine dg
> mgetty+voice ? Saya mau coba membuat aplikasi answering machine
> yg bisa merespon si caller. Misalkan seperti ini :

Sudah dapat software yg keliatannya bisa menjawab kebutuhan saya:

VOCP System

Much more than an answering machine, VOCP transforms your computer
into a full-featured call answering and voice messaging system.
With the VOCP System, you can create an unlimited number of voicemail,
pager and command shell boxes which callers will navigate using their
touch tone telephone. You can send and receive faxes, listen to your
email using text-to-speech, filter and redirect calls based on caller
ID information, run programs through the telephone and more.



Terimakasih sebelumnya dan sesudahnya.


~~ Arief Yudhawarman ~~

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