Majalah.Linux wrote:
The new printer configuration tool, system-config-printer, is not
installed by default when installing a One edition of Mandriva Linux
2009. This means there is no available option to configure a printer.
To resolve this problem, simply use the Mandriva software management
tools to install the system-config-printer package. After doing so,
the printer configuration tool will be available in the Mandriva
Control Center, in the Hardware tab.

di mandriva one 2009, system-config-printer defaultnya memang ga keinstall.

silahkan install lagi dulu aja dari repositorynya lewat mcc

saya sudah install semua paket yg ada di system-tool-printing dari mcc
saya coba jalankan lewat firefox http://localhost:631 sudah cups sudah jalan. namun gimana caranya mencari printer yg ada di jaringan, saya sudah centang show shared printer yg ada di menu.

terima kasih sebelumnya

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