Buck White's got a piece of nylon cord wrapped around his end pin and
through the strap too. Same thing; the strap came off the endpin of
his Gil(the one his son-in-law bought him) and went headfirst onto the
floor. No damage that I remember him telling me, but he learned the
lesson right then. Ah, you think maybe we should all just start
playing cheap mandolins and relax?


On Dec 18, 1:10 pm, "Don Grieser" <adobeinthepi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was jamming at a festival campsite in Utah when a microburst
> windstorm picked up an aluminum camping table and threw it at me and
> my Gil. I saw it coming out of the corner of my eye and got my arm
> out, but it basically folded around me and the Gil and flapped a few
> times. I heard an awful sound, my strings were slack, and my heart
> sank. I got it under some light and discovered it had hit the bridge,
> knocking it over and digging the bridge base into the top where it got
> knocked over. The top wasn't cracked so I got the bridge stood up and
> put the strings back on and went back to jamming. This year I had it
> in a stand at the edge of a small low stage and was talking to an
> audience member after the show and he started gesturing wildly and
> knocked it over on it's face. Hard enough to break a string, but no
> other damage that I can tell other than a few dings. I've had enough
> endpin incidents to keep one hand on it at all times, and have a loop
> around the tailpiece now too.
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