Where does it come from?

When I was a child I was exposed only to classical music: Wagner mainly due
to family connections, but plenty of Mozart and other things, and I listened
and thought I appreciated, until one day under the covers I heard the Sex
Pistols, the Damned and the Ramones on  a radio I had built myself (John
Peel of course): 1976 and me with 13 tender years. I just loved the early
Punk groups but then  I discovered country blues with John Hurt, Skip James
and early Chicago: Little Walter and so on at 17- all through a guitar
player who worked through the Stephan Grossman books between fixes. I had a
massive hardcore reggae phase - U-Roy and the Dub masters in general - King
Tubby and Scientist. I was an obsessive Velvet Underground fan for a while,
loved Black Flag and Skate Punk, Nick Cave and the Fall, worshipped amateur
ramshackle groups like the Raincoats, the Slits and the Cravats.

But I just can't stop listening to Monroe at his wildest, Hartford, and old
Fiddle players - I have to admit that I don't really like many mandolin
players, despite my decision to practically abandon the guitar to learn how
to play the thing, but there's something about the real old time music that
just grabs me. I could listen to Monroe exclusively for days and days. If I
learnt the piano, I wouldn't try to play like Art Tatum, Errol Garner, or
Bill Evans, much as I like them, but would go for boogie woogie or
barrelhouse. What is it about few chords, wild energy and free expression of
bad emotions that does it for me? Ali Farka touré does the same thing, but
so do Flipper and Big Daddy Kane. In the end, I wonder if chords and harmony
are just a distraction. Melody, rhythm and texture are what I love.

Ok, that's off my chest! Needed to say that. I love music.

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