On Wed, 5 Jan 2000 12:12:21 +0200, Stefan Tanurkov wrote:


AVK>> Really? And when you sold DN, too??? Please, tell us the the truth at least 
AVK>> *now*!

> We have bought Borland Pascal with objects in January (or February - I
> do not remember exactly) 1994. We could not do it earlier just because
> we did not have money to pay for it. Right after we had some money
> received from our Moscow dealer (Alex Exler - you can ask him, he is
> quite a famous person in Russian Internet/FidoNet), we bought BP. We
> did not money to feed ourselves, but we paid our debts - if you think
> that it is impossible, it is your problem.

I wish we could stop this line of argument. :)

AVK>> Okay, consider I want to post something to Bill Gates. Do you really think I 
AVK>> would like to be traced back???

> If you do not want to be traced back, why do you want to say anything
> to Bill Gates? :-)

I think Alex picked a bad example of who he may wish to post to because
with the required resources, one may be traced eventually. But you do
get his point? Your question is a hair-splitting one.

Making the point that anonymity isn't ever absolute, doesn't justify
implementing something that further erodes ones anonymity.

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