On Thursday, March 09, 2000, 6:06:46 PM, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

NA>> I just downloaded TB version 1.41/Beta 5a and I noticed that thebat.exe is
NA>> close to 3 times the size it was in Beta 5... 1056KB vs 3117KB?

> Here, thebat.exe is 1,051,136 Byte long.

Well, I just downloaded everything again to make sure all my files were up
to date, and thebat.exe (english) is just a little over 3MB.

NA>> Also, I don't seem to be keeping up with my help files, etc. Those
NA>> are all dated 01/10/1999.

> Here, thebat.hlp is dated 13/12/1999.

Yes, with my recent re-installation, my Help Files now read the same date.

NA>> How are others staying on top of the help files? All the downloads
NA>> I've performed only include the executable file.

> I didn't look, but if you are lucky there is also the most recent help
> file somewhere on the Ritlabs ftp server.

I looked, but couldn't find it anywhere on the FTP Server. However, I _do_
have a newer help file than when I first downloaded the Christmas Edition.
Thanks Thomas for your help.


   --=N.J. (Nick) Andriash=--
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | PGP Key ID: 0x2924D361

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