Hello Allie,

>> Can you allow user to change how to open new window. I have not working
>> (or  not  always working) shift button on my keyboard, and want theBat
>> to  open  new  windows  ALWAYS!  Some  users doesn't want this. So add
>> checkbox in options and that's all. everyone will be happy. ;-)
AM> The present implementation offers better flexibility that your proposal
AM> since it offers better user flexibility on the fly. IOW's, sometimes I
AM> wish to open the URL in a separate window, and sometimes I wish to use the
AM> same window. The Shift operator does this well. The shift operator is a
AM> convention as well. If you click on a URL in Opera using the shift
AM> operator, it opens the URL in a new window and it's the same for IE4 and
AM> 5. With a check-box, I'd have to be going into options and switching back
AM> and forth to achieve the same effect.
You're  right,  but  my shift button _DOESN'T WORK GOOD_ that's why, I
want  click  to  open  in _NEW WINDOWS_, but shift+click, will open in
existing.  And  this  option  user  should  able to select by himself.
That's  all. Someone likes new window without shift, someone with. Let
everyone to use program like user wants.

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