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Hi Florian,

On 05 December 2000 at 18:01:28 +0100 (which was 17:01 where I
live) Florian Effenberger wrote and made these points:

>   1.
>   When replying, only the marked text should be quoted. Although there
>   is a menu item, it would be more comfortable if it was automatically
>   used.

Ctrl-F4 or Shift-Click the reply button to do this.

>   2.
>   PGP messages should be saved ENcrypted, but should be TEMPORARY
>   DEcrypted automatically whenever you double click on them.

A  reasonable  idea  but  it doesn't fit with the way TB handles these
things.  I'd rather see the development effort directed toward V2 than
into changes of this ilk.

>   3.
>   Messages containing a PGP Public Key / Keyprint / Signature and/or
>   are PGP encrypted should be marked in the message view.

This can be easily done with Colour Grouping and filters.

>   4.
>   In the message list, the date and time should be separated into two
>   separate colums.

I disagree. They are not separable but form a complete stamp.

>   5.
>   The "from" column should be able to show only e-mail address or
>   name+e-mail address as well. Maybe by introducing a separate column.

I   wouldn't  want  it  and  it  would  mean  breaking  TB's  current
functionality of showing the "real name" by default and address if not

>   6.
>   The "size" column should be "intelligent" and use KB, MB and so on.

That doesn't seem a bad idea.

>   7.
>   New option: when replying to a message, the original message window
>   should be closed automatically.

I  disagree  completely.  This  requests makes the assumption that the
window  is a "message window". It isn't - it's a folder view with many
messages  in it. It would be bad form to decide that the folder has no
further use when a single message in it has been replied to.

>   8.
>   When selecting "tray icon", The Bat! should be there ALL THE TIME,
>   not only when minimizing.

Aha! One I agree with!!! <g>

>   13.
>   Aliases should be auto-completed as well in the "To:" field.

I  don't  quite  understand  what  you  mean by "aliases". Do you mean
"Handles"? Are you talking about auto-completion (which comes from the
To:  history  list)  or  Ctrl-Plus  completion  (which  pulls from the
address  book).  Handles  are  auto-completed  when tabbing out of the
address field.

>   14.
>   Using an empty subject line, "(No Subject)" should be set
>   automatically.

Definitely  not.  I  send messages with blank subject lines to control
this list server. I don't want to keep editing it out.

>   15.
>   The cursor in the editor should not be "able" to move beyond the
>   maximum line length/word wrap border.

Noooooooo!!!!!!  Don't  take  away  my  beloved free-caret! That would
remove the ability to type in columns or have justified paragraphs.

- --
[    Marck D. Pearlstone | Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA              ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www: http://www.silverstones.com      ]
[ PGP Key: http://www.silverstones.com/MarckPGP.asc              ]
[    Any opinions are my own and not those of RIT labs           ]
TB! v1.48 Beta/9 S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1

Version: PGP 6.5.8 Secured
Comment: PGP Sealed for freshness


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