[Reply to: »mse« · 2009-12-29 · 23:03 h (CET)]

Moin, Mse!

> ... I would close issues, but unfortunately I only can change their
> status from "verify wait" to "resolved". "Closed"-status is no
> longer available for my account since Mantis-upgrade in September,

AFAIK it is a "2 step system", i.e. at first you have to change the
status from "Verify wait" to "Resolved" and afterwards you can close
the bug.

> "Verify fail" never was. Is that correct behavior?

It seems to me that you only can set this status if you are the
initial reporter of the corresponding bug. In this case you have to
click the [Reopen] button. => "Reopen" means "Verify fail", okay!? ;-)

Cheers and of course a Happy New Year!

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Volker Ahrendt | q...@ahrendt.net | The /\^o^/\! [Pro] 4.2.16 Christmas Edition
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»I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended
up where I intended to be.«

Douglas Adams (* March 11, 1952; † May 11, 2001)

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