Hello Franz!

On Monday, June 14, 2010 at 1:54:33 AM you wrote:

> What's happening here? The same cost-intensive upgrade routine as
> with some other software manufacturers is planned?

Actually RITLabs, with all shortcomings, already delivers quite well,
though mainly under the guise of 'beta'. In the past people complained
about paying anew whenever the company, quite arbitrary, decided they
call the next version a major one. Since they already delivered the
goods via beta or minor versions in the preceding major version number
whinging was understandable.

> btw: Does anyone like programs that are practically "loaned" for a given 
> time-window?

First of all most subscription models for software are not for the
program but for service and support, you don't 'borrow' a program, you
buy past development plus an added value of future development. It's
called an investment. Many programs in many fields are now good enough
to last many users for a lifetime when it comes to features. Most
programs don't even need much service and support apart from the odd
security update [a little more than odd for browsers], hence a 1-year
or 2-year subscription makes a lot of sense.

Or you could go the Adobe way and pay hefty money every 18 months for
a new major version - with only minor [security] updates in-between.

Dierk Haasis
[DH² Publishing]

The Bat on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Chat info upon request

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us
with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
[Galileo Galilei]

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