> lunes, 27 sep 2010 at 22:07, it seems you wrote:

>> I see
>> this issue as very similar to the refusal to enable inserting notes or
>> other useful information into the body of messages in your data base,
>> or doing things like removing '[SPAM]' from headers for some imagined
>> reason of morality.

> What's  the  problem  with It. I can export the mail and modify it and
> later  import  it  to  The  Bat!.  I have the same result. What's the 
> diference;  The  Bat!  it's  not allowing me to do it directly ? If I 
> remember  there  are  macros  to do it, exporting and reimporting the 
> mail as I writed.

> Mail  security  (email  addresses  [destination  and source], date and
> other  things)  it's  non  existant  because  when the protocol it was
> created the developers doesn't take into account all of this problems.
> The  only way to solve it it's using signed timedate stamps and signed
> mails. The problem it's on the protocol not in the client.

> The same with TCP/IP v4.

> Remember  we're  using  protocols  from  40  years ago, and they were 
> developed  for  only a little people without taking into account what 
> could be in the next years.

> My  two cents for the ability to change Subjects and add headers with 
> the % of Spam detected by the antispam plugins.

The difference is convenience. I am not going to export / import email just to 
get rid of "SPAM" in the subject line.

That isn't the only use
"re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: " drives me up a wall. Yes I have it turned 
off in the preferences and in my templates. That doesn't help when some idiot 
forwards something to me :)
Coffee is Love

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Service Pack 3


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